I am setting up my Strategy, but I am not able to select a “Fees account”?
You will have to contact customer service or your account manager in order for Skilling to create this account for you. It will only take a few minutes.
Who can see my Strategies?
All Traders in Skilling and other brokers using cCopy can see your strategies in the Strategies list. If your strategy is shared with traders via an invitation link, then only those traders will see it.
Can I make my strategy private and visible only to invited Investors?
Yes, you can make your strategy private and share it via a link directly with your followers.
Can I create more than one Strategy?
It is only possible to create one Strategy per Trading account. If you need another trading account, you need to contact Skilling customer support or your account manager.
Can I be a Follower if I am already a Strategy Provider?
Yes, you can copy other strategies while providing your strategy for copying. You just need to start copying, and allocate funds from your main trading account.
Can I contact traders that copy my strategy (Investors)?
No, but they can contact you if you provide contact details in the Strategy Description .
Are my orders and positions visible to the rest of the cCopy users?
All orders are hidden. Your Open Positions can be visible to everyone or only to your followers. You control this in your strategy settings.
Once I become a Strategy Provider can I stop?
Yes, you can stop providing a strategy at any time. You can do changes (i.e to fees) and then restart again, or remove it completely. Please note that if there are any Investors currently copying your strategy, they will have to start copying again if/when you restart it.
How much can I charge for my strategy?
A Strategy Provider is allowed to set three types of fees - the Management Fee (up to 10%) , Performance Fee (up to 30%) and Volume Fee (up to 10 USD per million volume).
How do I receive my fees?
Fees are paid to the Strategy Providers as a deposit by Skilling in the start of each month. It will be paid to the designated Fees Account. If a Follower stops copying during a month, the accrued fees and any management/performance fees will be calculated and paid immediately.
Are there any fees for providing strategies?
No, Skilling doesn't charge any fees for providing the strategies.
Can I charge commissions in lots instead of units?
No, everything is converted into units of USD volume.
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